Friday, July 8, 2011

Unleash Your Learning Skills

Each and every one of us has a little child inside us as part of our personality and in fact we have several sub-personalities. If you listen to yourself you will in time become aware of these sub-personalities.

The way we learn can often be traced back to our early years of learning. There would have been different experiences that we had and learned from. If we can use some of these experiences as a foundation to build on then we are better able to understand the new information we are receiving.

The child within you is the part of you who is curious and wants to know more and he/she also know what it wants and are ready to go for it. Be open to this part of yourself and you will be able to tune into many ideas which will come flowing through you once you learn how to tune into you child which is also the creative part of you.

In the academic world as well as the physical world most of us learn by repeating what we have just learned and go over it several times for it to stick in our mind. If you still find it hard to remember then try to tune into some of your sub-personalities and step into a superior character and imagine that you are an expert on the subject.

You will then move to a higher level and see your situation from a different angle. Imagine that other people depended on the answer you came up with because no one had the answer and you were the expert on the subject. What would your imaginary expert looks like and sound like? Try and connect with your imaginary expert and strike up a conversation with him on how to deal with your situation.

Whether you are young or older you are responsible for your own progress and development in the subject you are learning about. As a student your performance will improve if you work out the way that you learn and what motivates. It is a good idea to keep a journal for your own assessment and your progress. It will do wonders for you when you look back and see how far you have come.
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